Faverolles Thread

type in 'Salmon Eggs' also. sometimes they don't bother putting in the word hatching when i've seen some on there.

btw, here's a few LF i found earlier. http://cgi.ebay.com/Salmon-Favorell...135?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a6634562f
and bantams that end in a few more minutes. http://cgi.ebay.com/Salmon-Faverolle-Chicken-Hatching-Eggs-10-/110691027013?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19c5b30845

be bidding on more eggs but i already have 18 in my bator with at least 12 more coming this week!
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If you are going to bid on LF eggs the first or second ad is your best bet but I would ask for more pictures of their flock... avoid ad three, these are hatchery quality birds. Is there a reason you do not get birds directly from a breeder?
If you are going to bid on LF eggs the first or second ad is your best bet but I would ask for more pictures of their flock... avoid ad three, these are hatchery quality birds. Is there a reason you do not get birds directly from a breeder?

I am getting some eggs from small breeders and some from the ebay auctions. I have no good cockerels right now, so I'm buying a couple dozen eggs and just being very picky. A raccoon took all of my good birds and I thought that this last hatch would have had more roosters. Out of 22 chicks only 6 were roosters. And 3 were mixes. So I'm depending on a white ' Sport' rooster and a cockerel who I think is a bit small to be breeding and has double spurs. Not exactly ideal. I'm hoping to get something better then what I have now. ):
If you are going to bid on LF eggs the first or second ad is your best bet but I would ask for more pictures of their flock... avoid ad three, these are hatchery quality birds. Is there a reason you do not get birds directly from a breeder?

Yeah, and I corresponded with the person who has that third ad last year, in the process of chatting, I informed her she was mispelling the breed name, to which she replied that she didn't realize....I see she hasn't changed a thing..

I personally know the lady with the 1st ad (she's on here too) and her roo is from my flock.
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i prefer those breeders that post many pics of their birds and even list their websites to view the pic galleries when i find them on ebay. my first 2 favs came from a breeder i found on ebay. at that time 2 years ago there weren't many people putting them up for auction. now since there has been a big following started everyone is posting their eggs and so many are from hatchery quality birds with either poor bird color, poor toes, or poor egg color/size (nearly white or very small/pullet eggs).

i would recommend the Catalpa eggs if anyone is looking for the proper color and sized eggs! and she really did double pack the eggs! i won 8+ eggs and was sent 11 all arrived in great shape! the outer box did have a corner dent though! these are the other eggs i have going in my bator and they are about the same color but a little smaller than the Catalpa http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&_trksid=p4340.l2557&rt=nc&nma=true&item=290565439370&si=bJrOCCUdcRsXuN54s57uUYuc4jQ%253D&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT
the eggs i have coming this week are from here. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dl...UYuc4jQ%3D&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK:MEWAX:IT
Pic of my bantam roo at our show this weekend. He took best of breed, over two hens and three pullets.

Of course, none of the other photos came out - fuzzy.

Faverolles made it into the ABA quarterly. A motion was made and seconded to change the wording in the standardon salmons from beak being pinkish horn to horn and legs to pinkish white. This is to better match APA. It's still up for consideration.

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