Faverolles Thread

I would guess all girls right now, but I always wait until the back feathers start coming in to be 100%.
Thanks! I also wanted to get a quick opinion on this rooster. I like him a lot, especially his tail, but I don't know if he's a bird I should keep. I'm breeding him mostly for his lacing and beard. He is a bantam/LF chick and he is as large as my LF white rooster, but you can still see the bantam in him.


Is his tail angle right/wrong? I'm getting rid of roosters this week and need to know who is going or staying.

Thank you! :)
Took some quick phone pics of my SF chicks who are 2 weeks old today! I've had guesses on them since they were a few days old going only on wing color and behavior, but I'd like more experienced eyes to help me determine please.
I'm guessing I have 1 roo and 2 pullets. I didn't get photos of their backs, but on the girls I'm seeing a few salmon feathers coming in on top. Also, they are the only ones with tail feathers this far. The "roo" seems a little more adventurous, always seeking the highest spot in the brooder before everyone else and generally making his presence more known than the other two who are a bit more demure in demeanor. I realize that's no real true indicator, but I do watch a lot of chick TV and find it a lot of fun to distinguish personalities.
However, this is my first time hatching ever, and these are my first chicks. I have 3 others in the brooder but these are the only SF. And it appears my "very special breeder" surmised I was speaking about her! I am so in love with these babies, I wish I could keep them all, but due to city codes and coop size will probably only keep one pullet.

First 4 pics - is this looking like a roo?




Next two are Chick "A" She chose to ride in my daughter's hand, rather than stand on her own. Note the little tail.


Chick "B" I'm thinking pullet. I could only get one halfway decent photo as she was a bit camera shy this morning. Love her fluffy cheeks and tail!
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I have my first faverolles that just hatched:)! I ordered Blue Salmon and am curious if there are any indicators of which are blue and which are salmon at a few days old. I have one that hatched that was born with a small amount of dark feathering the rest are yellow. I cant seem to find many pics! Thanks in advance!
I just think all of my chicks are so cute
and can't tell roo from hen at this point. I am happy that I can raise them all up and decide later who is a rooster. If anyone wants to see they are broadcasting on their peep channel.

Fav peeps and friends

the darker chicks are two mystery volunteers from the flock and two Dutch Brabanters. There are 7 LF Salmon Favs. George & Martha my young maturing pair are discovering the barn and yard. My DH and son have become quite smitten with this breed and have actually said I should switch out and make all my birds Favs!

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