Faverolles Thread

My fav eggs from UA are on their way. I am quite excited. Too bad I didn't get more Houdans, as promised.

The UA flock had been recently culled in most breeds. The hens were culled and pullets replaced them. We wanted some of the Salmon Faverolles too for a local youth. Hoping for some next time. Not that we are upset with the 457 eggs Elias brought us!

He did bring us a cockerel from someone who had hatched some UA eggs. So at least Jeremy has that to put with his others.
Do you have Blue salmons as well? There is such a thing as a splash salmon cockerel. But if you don't have blue salmons in your line that is very strange. I agree you should just cull them and hopefully it will work its way out of the line. That is strange about the pullet with the crest. I haven't ever seen that before. The weirdest thing I have had is I hatched a salmon bantam that appeared to be colored like a pullet but then started to put out saddle and hackle feathers like a male when she matured. I sent her to Dick and she apparently died all of the sudden as if there was something internally wrong with her. Chickens are always surprising you aren't they haha.
I've only been working with this breed for a few years now so any advice is taken. My birds all came from Jaynese Knight (Knights Chicks) from AL. I guess she got her stock from Leisha. All salmons, no blues here at all... I don't believe any of them have vulture hocks, must have just had the pic snapped at a funny moment. I still have the old school mentality of using selective matings, raising as many chicks as possible from that, and culling hard in the fall. May show a few this fall if some are in condition.
I've only been working with this breed for a few years now so any advice is taken. My birds all came from Jaynese Knight (Knights Chicks) from AL. I guess she got her stock from Leisha. All salmons, no blues here at all... I don't believe any of them have vulture hocks, must have just had the pic snapped at a funny moment. I still have the old school mentality of using selective matings, raising as many chicks as possible from that, and culling hard in the fall. May show a few this fall if some are in condition.
I remember Jaynese's birds they were nice. I think she did get her start from Leisha. Hmm I wonder where that odd coloring is coming from then. That makes it even more strange. Who knows something strange must be popping up from one of yours breedings. I guess it was just the butt fluff being distorted by the picture. I like that old school mentality I hope its working well for you. Hope you get a chance to show I think your birds would do well!
I showed the original babies twice back in fall of 2010. Once was under a top featherleg judge too, Eric Kutch from CA. They did very well, but at that point I really was new to them. I showed them once in fall of 2011 and they were out of condition that time. I just had a kid that spring and breeding alot of birds wasn't a top priority. We'll see what happens this fall. I'm planning on the BCPPA Fall Classic and maybe the MN State show if I can get off work. I've got some of the old timers in our poultry club started with them too. Hopefully we have a nice showing this fall.
I showed the original babies twice back in fall of 2010. Once was under a top featherleg judge too, Eric Kutch from CA. They did very well, but at that point I really was new to them. I showed them once in fall of 2011 and they were out of condition that time. I just had a kid that spring and breeding alot of birds wasn't a top priority. We'll see what happens this fall. I'm planning on the BCPPA Fall Classic and maybe the MN State show if I can get off work. I've got some of the old timers in our poultry club started with them too. Hopefully we have a nice showing this fall.
Glad to hear you did well with them. I think well bred faverolles can be very competitive. I am always happy to hear when the faverolles beat out silkies or cochins (I know your a silkie person). I just think that means the faverolles are really good. Hope you can brings some well conditioned birds to those show and show people what faverolles can do. Hope you have a good showing to.
Here is a few pic's of my youngsters... just a couple months old... my adult pair is in full molt right now so i am gonna wait before i get pic's of them...

i know u cant tell in these pic's but 3 of these pullets are blue salmons... so i have 3 salmon males, 4 blue salmon females, and 2 salmon females... and 24 UofA eggs in the incubator... i think ill be set up good for next years breeding season...
I love her!

After putting about 50 of these through the growout pen this summer I noticed a few weird abnormalities. I don't have pics since the boys are over at another farm, but a handfull of the boys have this weird splash coloration going on. The oldest were a February hatch so should almost be colored out by now. They will probably be just heading to the stewpot.

I have this younger pullet in a growout pen that has a tuft of reddish feathers on her head. Its not a full crest like on a Polish, but something weird cropped up... Anyone else ever seen this?

They always are nuts when they are young but as soon as they are laying they calm right down.
Really? Mine are pretty calm, except when they see a bug. Then they get moving. One caught a grasshopper yesterday. No "chicken football" though. She nonchalantly meandered back into the barn "Don't mind me girls, nothing to see, move along" and none of the other chickens knew she had it. Smart bird!

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