Faverolles Thread


I also let my cockerels and roosters run the yard together but they are free ranged so it allows them enough room to run away if need be. So far the only issue I have had is with the Orp trying to treat a large but young Russian Orloff cockerel like a hen. They have learned to avoid each other and are fine now. At first I was concerned. I didn't want cock fighting in the back yard, but kept reading that roosters will show the cockerels whats what and then there are no issues. I haven't seen the what showing but they are fine. I do worry as the cockerels all come into the hormones more, and we'll see what happens in the spring, but for now, things are fine.

The Favorelle babies are fun. Their pinions are in and their tails have started. I tried examining combs last night, squinting to count. I think I am all set for 5 points on any prospective combs. At what point can I send in pictures and get feedback regarding their potential?
Thanks for the feedback! I was hoping that they could be together until I want to seperate out for breeding next spring. I will take my time intergating them over the fall but would love to have everyone in the main coop for winter where they can all keep each other warm. This is my first experience with Favs, and I have to say I fall more and more in love with them as I go. Great birds! Great dispositions and personalities. AND they are beautiful to boot!
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OH MY!!!I I have been wanting LF Faverolles but the more I see the banties the more torn I become. maybe by next March or April I will have made up my mind. gloria Jean
Hi Folks! I understand a few people were asking about my Lavender Faverolles project. A big hug and thank you to Cloverleaf for not only mentoring me in my LF Salmons, but for putting up with my endless questions about this lavender project. This is my second generation...and I do have my original black lav split hen as well and one split pullet. I am excited to cross these birds and hatch more next spring. So here are the Lavs...and the last pullet is Butters, my 5 month old Salmon pullet from this year's hatch.

Hi Folks! I understand a few people were asking about my Lavender Faverolles project. A big hug and thank you to Cloverleaf for not only mentoring me in my LF Salmons, but for putting up with my endless questions about this lavender project. This is my second generation...and I do have my original black lav split hen as well and one split pullet. I am excited to cross these birds and hatch more next spring. So here are the Lavs...and the last pullet is Butters, my 5 month old Salmon pullet from this year's hatch.

Very nice! Now I am wondering if mine are blue, or lavender? I have two new babies..I am calling them blue. Love your Faverolles!
Hi Folks! I understand a few people were asking about my Lavender Faverolles project. A big hug and thank you to Cloverleaf for not only mentoring me in my LF Salmons, but for putting up with my endless questions about this lavender project. This is my second generation...and I do have my original black lav split hen as well and one split pullet. I am excited to cross these birds and hatch more next spring. So here are the Lavs...and the last pullet is Butters, my 5 month old Salmon pullet from this year's hatch.

They are lavender salmons?

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