Favorite Devild Eggs and Trays?

i like to use my quail eggs to make deviled for get-togethers and such. There are a few people in my family who are weirded out by them and won't eat them, but there's no real difference in taste! You can make the quail eggs easier to peel by soaking them in vinegar after they've been hard boiled.

Do you have a good recipe for pickled eggs? I need one. Can you think of one little preschoolers would enjoy making?


I apologize for not answering you sooner but I've been busy with orders for my candy eggs.
This is the recipe I use for pickled eggs. It's from an Amish cookbook.

Pickled Beets & Eggs
2 1/2 cups apple cider vinegar
2 1/2 cups beet juice
1 cup granulated sugar
2 tsp. salt
10 whole cloves
2 cinnamon sticks
Combine vinegar, juice, sugar, and spices. Bring to a boil to dissolve the sugar.
I use 2 qts. of my canned beets. If I don't have enough juice from them I just add water
to make 2 cups. You can remove the spices out but I just leave mine in. It's your preference.
I use between 3 and 4 dozen eggs with this amount. (Yes, we have alot of eggs! lol)
Just put it all together and enjoy. They are really delicious!
Ooh, I never thought of worchestershire sauce or curry powder. Those sound good!

My favorite deviled egg filling is just yolk, mayo, and some garlic salt. Lots of good, eggy flavor in those that I really enjoy. But now I think I may have to try some of these fillings!
Those deviled egg chicks are so darned cute! I think I'll have the preschool class make them on Easter Sunday. What are the eyes made from?

We had curried scrambled eggs for breakfast here. Yum!
I had seen the chick deviled eggs with the shells made jagged, like with pinking shears, but these would be so much easier, not having to do all that cutting, and they still look just as cute. Simple and easy!
My favorite way for angel eggs (hehe) are:

celery chopped really fine
grated onion with juice
hot chow chow (drained really well, I put in paper towel and squeeze all the juice out)
bacon bits (I chop turkey bacon then fry, cool and add)
mustard & mayo

If I want to make fancy, dancy ones I'll leave out the bacon bits and get a storage bag, cut the tip off and pipe into the hard boiled whites then sprinkle bacon bits on top with dill weed...

Also, if you don't have chow chow and would like a kick, finely chop a hot pepper like jalapeno (seeded unless you really want to kick up your heels and act foolish)...

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