Favorite litter material for brooders? Chicks sneezing with pine shavings...


In the Brooder
May 31, 2016
I recently bought 9 chicks of mixed ages 1-3 weeks old. At first I was using just old towels on the bottom of their brooder because I always get nervous about them eating pine shavings. However I started adding a layer of pine shavings on top of the towel yesterday because they are making such a mess. However when I was handling them last night I noticed several of them were sneezing a little. They all look great and have no discharge or anything but was wondering if maybe the dust was irritating them? I have used pine shavings in the past without problems but am being super careful with these expensive little guys I got from a breeder.
We just use a plastic tub with the Brinsea Ecoglow.

What litter material to you guys like best?
Have you noticed sneezing or respiratory issues with pine shavings in young chicks?
Are your pine shavings fresh and dry?
I used pine shavings for both batches of day old Chicks. I never noticed sneezing.
I use shavings from day one with paper towels over shavings for the first 3 days. I also use a plastic tub for the first week.

I use a heat lamp.

Thanks, @GC-Raptor yes it is definitely clean and dry. I usually use paper towels as well but we are on short supply due to the pandemic craze over paper products...

@rc4u I will take a look for that next time I run to the feed store!
Pine or aspen shavings should be fine. Maybe your batch is a little dustier than normal (I've gotten some bags that were definitely finer/dustier)? Or maybe it's just that they need to adjust to the change.
at Runnings they have compacted straw bales for like 12 bucks and I like that way better than chip, shavings, sand ect.. actually I like little chips and straw..even now I have straw in bottom of brooder and stays clean and no smell

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