Favorite Poultry Pictures.


Hilltop Farm
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Nov 18, 2007
My Coop
My Coop
I love pictures as I'm sure many others do. Since the 2020 BYC calendar pictures has ended. I thought it might be fun to post our favorite poultry pictures. Some people have chicken but others have other poultry such as duck, geese, etc., so please post you favorite pictures. Please add a bit about your birds...
This is one of my favorite pictures. We were at a show and this was my first champion, a Rhode Island Red. She seemed to be posing.
This is from my very first broody hatch with my favorite hen, Barbara, as the mother.
The chick is less than 12 hours from hatch. She had three.
I love the expression of awe on her face as she looks at "her" chick. She is the mother of the 3 chicks but not biologically.

This one is also cute. This was taken on a morning it was 55F and two of the chicks went under her for a warm up.
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I love pictures as I'm sure many others do. Since the 2020 BYC calendar pictures has ended. I thought it might be fun to post our favorite poultry pictures. Some people have chicken but others have other poultry such as duck, geese, etc., so please post you favorite pictures. Please add a bit about your birds...

cmom, that is a really nice picture, but my favorite photo you took was of the chick in the feeder with other chicks around her. That one always makes me smile :D

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