Feather changes?


Apr 14, 2022
My 15 week old girls are getting new, super fluffy feathers...but a lot of them are coming out? Every day there are so many small floofy feathers in the run (I know they are new daily because they are in a tractor that I move daily) and I can see these new feathers poking out from under the main feathers. They don't look to be molting, no bald or scarcely feathered spots. Is this normal for the age or what? I'm worried it's some kind of deficiency or something.


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Yes, they are molting.
Chicks molt quite a few times as they grow up, before they settle down to the adult pattern of (usually) once a year in the fall.

They don't look to be molting, no bald or scarcely feathered spots.
Chicks usually molt gradually, so they do not have bare spots.

Some adult hens molt gradually too. The ones with big bare spots are just the ones that people tend to photograph.
Yes, they are molting.
Chicks molt quite a few times as they grow up, before they settle down to the adult pattern of (usually) once a year in the fall.

Chicks usually molt gradually, so they do not have bare spots.

Some adult hens molt gradually too. The ones with big bare spots are just the ones that people tend to photograph.
Thanks, I assumed they would look terrible when they molt 😆 I'm so ready for them to be big girls and lay me some eggs!

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