Feather coloring and egg color?


7 Years
May 4, 2012
Northern Colorado
I've no idea if this is so, but wondered if others have seen it. We have 6 red sexlnks...two are quite light colored, a couple are fairly dark and the other two are somewhere in the middle. I've been sort of keeping track of who lays what and I swear the lighter colored hens lay lighter colored eggs, and the darker the plumage, the darker the egg. Some days it's more difficult to tell, but today was a "6 egg" day, and of the 6, 2 were quite dark, 2 sort of medium and 2 were creamy.

Am I nuts? (be kind ;)
I have 4 red mix hens and they are different shades and two have some white on the neck. I get different shade of eggs too and I am fairly sure the brown eggs that sometimes have white spots come from the hens with the white feathers.
After really paying more attention since I posted, I'm positive the shells correspond with the colors of my hens. Every time we get 6 eggs in a day, 2 are quite dark, 2 are sort of beige and 2 are creamy...just like the girls. Just one of those things that make me say "hmmm..."
They just might. But keep in mind that my solid green-black hen lays one of the lightest colored eggs of the flock. But now you're going to have me watching my Buffs more closely. Because one of them is a lighter buff than the other two. Now I'm going to be looking to see if her egg is also lighter :gig
Well, I reckon I was assuming that it was within the same breed. Mine are sexlinks, so not technically a "breed" but they're all the same. So, I was basing my "scientific experiment" (yeah, right ;) on the variation in feather color:egg color within that little group. I'm thinking it's also waaaaay easier if you only have a few, LOL
I kind of figured that's what you were getting at. That's why you're going to have me watching my BO's now lol.
With our tiny flock of 6, even though we gather several times a day, we can't tell specifically who laid what. Although if I go to gather and Blondie (one of the lighter ones) is sitting on 2 eggs and the lighter colored one is still warm, it seems a reasonable conclusion that she laid that one, LOL. Plus on days when we get 6 eggs, I've noted that we have 2 of 3 different shades...just like the birds. I'm probably all wet, but I thought it sort of interesting to think about
With our tiny flock of 6, even though we gather several times a day, we can't tell specifically who laid what. Although if I go to gather and Blondie (one of the lighter ones) is sitting on 2 eggs and the lighter colored one is still warm, it seems a reasonable conclusion that she laid that one, LOL. Plus on days when we get 6 eggs, I've noted that we have 2 of 3 different shades...just like the birds. I'm probably all wet, but I thought it sort of interesting to think about
No one has called you crazy yet! ;)
This is one of the darker chicks @ 7 weeks old
And one of the lighter ones. I notice that the darker ones are bigger in size and fully feathered. There are a couple that are runty. :/
This is the only grown RSL hen I have. Her name is Penny. Out of 150 birds I have, she stands out and is EVERYONE'S favourite. She has the personality of a pet dog. She is so sweet. She is 3 years old, and lays every. Single. Day. I'm not talking regular eggs. I'm talking JUMBO brown heavy beautiful eggs that are some of the darkest I get. My Delaware is the darkest layer, but she doesn't lay anymore.. :idunno
She has earned her keep for life. The eggs that are really tightly fitted are hers. Oh and the light, molt and stress does not stop this one from laying. She is perfect. :love
My girls are about 9.5 months old and I'm so very pleased with them. We got them for eggs and boy, do we get eggs! I think we're averaging close to 5 a day now, and they're getting bigger too. We've had a couple I'd classify as Jumbo, quite a few "extra large" and the others all large. Okay...we did have one that looked like a bantie laid it...only just over an inch long and yolkless, but everyone's entitled to a little goof now and then, right? LOL If we had the room, I'd have lots of different kinds, but since we're limited to just 6 hens, I'll stick with my RSL's...they're lovely, reasonably quiet, not flighty or mean and they are egg laying machines! Your Penny is a gem, and your carton is awesome!

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