Feather footed bantam help!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 23, 2014
I have 2 feather footed bantams not sure what breed. They are about 2 weeks old. However, they are biting their own feathers off their feet. Is this a normal behavior? Any suggestions on how to stop it? I do know it is them doing it because I have watched them do it.
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Check if they have mites if so put sevens dust on there buts and under there wings . Have fun ! Welcome !
I have 2 feather footed bantams not sure what breed. They are about 2 weeks old. However, they are biting their own feathers off their feet. Is this a normal behavior? Any suggestions on how to stop it? I do know it is them doing it because I have watched them do it.
Also, welcome!
I've had many silkie babies and I've seen them do this a lot. They also grab a siblings feathers on foot too. This behavior stops soon, they are just babies discovering their world. I had one silkie that constantly did this and then cry, she did not seem to "get" the cause and effect. I personally doubt they have mites at this young age, especially if in a brooder in your house. If by chance they do, you will see them if you look closely.
Thanks it doesn't appear to be mites. I only notice them pulling the feet feathers. I try to keep the cage clean and dry at all times. Glad to hear its just a baby behavior. They are only 2 weeks old after all

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