Feather Footed What?


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 30, 2014
Climax, Michigan
This is one of the pullets I got in my Feather Footed Fancy assortment from McMurray (which I love these cochins and langshans) I think I've got them all figured out (with the kind help of ya'll) except this one. She's always been different. As a baby she was brownish red and now she's going all star spangled banner with different colors.

Sorry about the background -- I happened to get a good shot of her as she was walking across the horse manure pile. LOL

I'm sorry I have no idea what she is. Is she molting - some of the areas don't appear to be fully feathered in. You could post photos at "what breed or gender is this." Be sure to list her age at time of photos. Someone there may know exactly what she is or if a cross.
I think that's where I've posted the picture. I got these chicks June 2, 2014. So they probably hatched on the first of June. That would make her 4 months almost.
G'Day sogr8ful95 :)

Wow, that is definitely some fancy colouring going on there! Sorry, I am not sure what she is either. The tail kinda looks part-Cochin and the leg feathering looks part-Langhsan

Do you know if "she" is a she? I am far from an expert but I am wondering if she is a he?

Either way, gunna be beautiful when she/he grows up!
I think she is a pullet. I did get some cockerels out of this assortment, but they're already showing the tail feathers of a rooster and the hefty legs. She looks female to me and yes she's very colorful. I was amazed when I saw her in the sunlight today just how colorful she is which is why I snapped the pictures of her. I've never seen anything like her and can't find any pictures online that look like her either.
Thanks. I'm very much a hobby chicken farmer. I guess I have even more roosters on the way than I thought. This is why I have a white crested polish named Phyllis Diller dontcha know? Appreciate the information. I'll definitely google it. And I did get my chicks from McMurray Hatchery so that makes sense.
Thanks. I'm very much a hobby chicken farmer. I guess I have even more roosters on the way than I thought. This is why I have a white crested polish named Phyllis Diller dontcha know? Appreciate the information. I'll definitely google it. And I did get my chicks from McMurray Hatchery so that makes sense.
I hear you! I had a big, pretty, red and black Easter egger rooster that got slapped with the name Betty when he was a chick, and we just never changed it. He was Betty here for several years

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