Feather issues...I'm stumped


Microbrewing Chickenologist
12 Years
Nov 25, 2007
High Desert, CA
I've done my homework and searched for the answer, but I am at a loss...please help?!?!

I have 6 adult hens...no adult roosters. Three are feathered beautifully and three...well, not so beautifully. The three with feather issues have broken feathers in the saddle area, so they all look "fuzzy". They have DE in their run, organic raw ACV in their water. DH recently gave them a seed block for fun and he throws out scratch for them every once in a while. They are on layer pellets with 16% crude protein. Recently we got a bunch of chicks. The chicks are in the new big run the hens are in their old run. The hens used to be able to free range when we are home, but not anymore since the garden is off limits now (recently planted and they'll eat it) and the hens longer have run of the yard. Their "small" run is still plenty big at nearly 200 sf for 6 hens. Plus, they eat our grape plant leaves all day too.

So, from that...I have read in the search that it could be:
selenium toxicity (how?)
low protein (which applies, I think, since I read 16% is too low)
feather picking from boredom (these are broken, not plucked out)
calcium deficiency from sunflower seeds (in the seed block)
mites (they have DE and we are too high of elevation for fleas to survive here)
worms (no signs, clean vents, healthy poos, have ACV)

So, which do I correct?
It is ONLY the saddle feathers (again, no roo). Any advice as to which is the most likely culprit?
when there is no roo..sometimes a hen will take the job..

sometimes they will even crow..

try and observe which hen, or hens, is the dominant one.

could be happening because they are newly confined from the yard, and a bit bored.
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We have 5 BR that each lay an egg a day, have lots of scratch, crumble (16%), treats , light and still have huge bare buts and look like they have a problem...can';t figure, cause in the next pen is another 8 a year younger, same diet, DE, and no feather problem. I was told to give them human protein foods, scramble eggs, cottage cheese, etc. Any ideas?
rvrchickens! :

We have 5 BR that each lay an egg a day, have lots of scratch, crumble (16%), treats , light and still have huge bare buts and look like they have a problem...can';t figure, cause in the next pen is another 8 a year younger, same diet, DE, and no feather problem. I was told to give them human protein foods, scramble eggs, cottage cheese, etc. Any ideas?

Sounds just like ours! Ours are laying great too! Ours have "furry" backs though. We're gonna try the cat food I think.

Do we moisten the cat food or give it dry? Or does it need to be wet cat food?​
could be happening in the morning before they are let out.

wouldn't hurt to check for mites..check skin and feather shafts.
You need to observe them. Sounds like you have a feather picker. I have one hen that will pick the rooster bald. I read it could be a salt deficiency that makes them do that or they can do it out of sheer boredom.
Hello, I was reading your post and see that we are in the same area. I recently got chicks from a local feed bin (that are separate from our flock), and 2 of them have these feather issues... And it sounds like you have done better at us in making sure it wasn't any of those issues you mentioned... They came like this to us and have only gotten worse... they are 2+ months old... never have we had chicks that have had this issue so young! I know they didn't have the best care as babies at the feed bin (in fact many were dying).
Interested in what you find to help yours!
Mine have been doing the same thing for the last few months. They have plenty of room to roam (1/4 acre when we're not home, 1/2 acre when we can supervise), get regular Purina Layena, produce almost an egg each day per hen, oyster shell available at all times, way too high elevation and too dry to have parasite problems (and have checked closely and repeatedly for any little buggers), ????

I have one of the 6 RIR hens who still has perfect feathering. I suspect she's the culprit so I have been confining her to her own little chicken condo and run.

How long will it take for the feathers to grow back in. Since they were broken off and not pulled out will pin feathers still come in? Or will the girls just look downy until they molt, probably this Fall?

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