feather loss!!! could it be moulting or is it something serious??


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 15, 2008
Dorset, England
Hi, I am relatively new to having chickens and need some help as one of them is unwell! She has been losing feathers for the past few weeks but apart from that she has been fine (eating drinking and laying well) but over the last week she has had scab appearing where the feathers were! I have checked her over and I cant see any type of bugs on her and the other 3 she lives with are fine! I have taken her out of the run and put her on her own today just incase but am not reallt sure what is wrong and what i should be doing so would appreciate some help!
She is about 30 weeks old, not sure what type of bird she is!
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Hello! I wonder if she has a bad case of mites or chicken lice. They can make a chicken miserable and the feather plucking and scabs could be a cause of that. I use Sevin dust and dust my chickens in it....a week later I give a secone dusting just to make sure everything's gone.

Of course this could be something totally different....so, I'll bump!
If she had lice or mites wouldnt I be able to see them and wouldnt they be passed on to the other 3?? Only I did have a look through her and couldnt see anything! Sorry I havent got a clue just want to be sure before I treat her!
Kath xx
Have just had a look on the internet to see if that helps and was wondering if it could just be moulting?? Altho it is supposed to start at the neck or something isnt it??
well when our chickens had mites we could see them down @ the skin and also if yu hold of toch the chickens I ussaly found them on me later. we just used seven dust and it worked GREAT.

but I think I'm expereiance as you my chickens are losing their feathers too and I can't figure out what's wrong! like you no bugs, no drastic changes and it's been going on for a coupal months! if you find any info let me know please!!

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