Feather Loss (Not moulting)


6 Years
Jun 7, 2017
Hi! We're new to chicken raising and currently have 8 chickens that are about 8 weeks old. We have 2 Americanas, 2 Asian Blues, 2 Rhoad Island Reds & 2 Dixie Rainbows. We noticed feather loss about 3 weeks ago while they were still in the brooder box inside our house. I thought that maybe it was because they didn't have enough room and we've since moved them out to their coop where they have lots of room and they free range every day. But I'm still seeing feathers every morning inside the coop and in the yard. I've checked a few of them but don't see any parasites on them and haven't noticed any little bullies among the group. I'm at a loss on what to do, please help.
Then I wouldn't worry, my bird's coop has a decent amount of feathers "strewn" around in it. Not sure why, but the birds look good and seem content. So I would not stress it.
Hi @SweetPeaUt Welcome To BYC:frow

Can you post some photos?

At 8wks, they are most likely still going through "mini molts". Look closely to see if there is any new feathers (pin feathers) underneath.

I wasn't sure what you needed pictures of so I posted pictures of my girls and the feathers I cleaned up from the coop today I've never heard of a mini molt before, I had no idea. Some of them do have pin feathers.


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I wasn't sure what you needed pictures of so I posted pictures of my girls and the feathers I cleaned up from the coop today I've never heard of a mini molt before, I had no idea. Some of them do have pin feathers.

They look fine to me, at that age you will find feathers since they will be getting in their "adult" feathers.

Are you sure they are ALL girls? If the same age, then looks like you have a cockerel in the mix:)
They look fine to me, at that age you will find feathers since they will be getting in their "adult" feathers.

Are you sure they are ALL girls? If the same age, then looks like you have a cockerel in the mix:)
Thanks so much for your help. Its nice to know it's not anything to worry about. And yes all of our chickens are about the same age except the two smallest. Unfortunately I'm pretty sure that our cute little "Lemon" (the name we originally gave her) is a "Leonard" haha. We'll hold on to him until he crows and then we have to find him a new home. We can tell he's already the protector of the group so it will be sad to get rid of him.
I won't be long before Leonard will be mating - they can quickly do some damage to the girls feathers. Cockerels can be a bit rough, so keep watch on him.

Hopefully you will be able to re-home him soon.

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