Feather loss on several hens

Ms Mel

May 17, 2016
Upstate South Carolina
I have a neighbor who has about 23 chickens 2 are roosters. She has treated them for mites and none of them seem to be sick acting normal in every possible way except the feather loss. I believe its roosters competing for dominance. Does anyone else have any suggestions of what you think it could be? Thank you all in advance.
It depends. Where is the feather loss? Feather loss on the back/saddle area is most likely due to the roosters mounting them (too often). There will sometimes also be feather loss right behind the comb (a small bald spot), where the rooster will grab feathers and hold on. But if the feather loss is elsewhere then it could be mites. Of course late summer/fall feather loss is typically molting...

Chicken saddles work well for rooster overuse - but with that many hens going down one rooster would be easier...
I just got to see the birds this morning for the first time when I picked up a orphaned roo she had. That is exactly what it looks like. She has 2 of the biggest roosters I ever saw. Told her she is gonna have to choose a rooster. I think she is in denial a little. Lol

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