feather pecked 8 week old hen :(


Mar 28, 2017
I took in a new hen from my neighbor. This little girl was bullied and pecked and is pretty weak. I have her in a crate by herself so she can rest and eat in peace. I gave her a bath with Epson salt. She had blue-kote on her wound. She is very sweet and docile. Can I please have advice to give her the best fighting chance, please.
What you are doing is good. I would keep her separate for 4 to 6 weeks (quarantine) to make sure there are no hidden health issues you could pass to your other birds, and in the meantime get her healthy again. I'd give vitamins and electrolites, and use veterycin on any wounds til they heal. Go slow integrating her into your flock. Since she was bullied before she may be very timid again and be low on the pecking order. I would put her in a parallel run if possible, or a section of run fenced off, for a while so everyone can see everyone, but no one can touch. Then start letting them in together, supervised, for gradually increasing periods.
If you have another bird that is pretty docile you can try putting them together so she's not all alone, but supervise to make sure it works. When no one seems to care much anymore, you can move her into the flock full time.
I would use some electrolytes and vitamins for chickens in her water for a few days. Offer her some chopped egg, a tsp of plain yogurt for probiotics 2-3 times a week, and use a good brand name chick starter-grower. I add water to a small bowl of feed making it like oatmeal to tempt a sick chick to eat. I hope you can help her recover. Do you have other chickens that she can be around after her quarantine period is over? They like to be around at least 1 or 2 other chickens.
What you are doing is good. I would keep her separate for 4 to 6 weeks (quarantine) to make sure there are no hidden health issues you could pass to your other birds, and in the meantime get her healthy again. I'd give vitamins and electrolites, and use veterycin on any wounds til they heal. Go slow integrating her into your flock. Since she was bullied before she may be very timid again and be low on the pecking order. I would put her in a parallel run if possible, or a section of run fenced off, for a while so everyone can see everyone, but no one can touch. Then start letting them in together, supervised, for gradually increasing periods.
If you have another bird that is pretty docile you can try putting them together so she's not all alone, but supervise to make sure it works. When no one seems to care much anymore, you can move her into the flock full time.
Thank you very much for the advice. She does have vitamins in her water and is in a big pet carrier in my house. I did see her eat a little :) and I did put her beak in the water bowl. I've also been cuddling her and she really seems to be enjoying it. Great advice, thank you very much.
I would use some electrolytes and vitamins for chickens in her water for a few days. Offer her some chopped egg, a tsp of plain yogurt for probiotics 2-3 times a week, and use a good brand name chick starter-grower. I add water to a small bowl of feed making it like oatmeal to tempt a sick chick to eat. I hope you can help her recover. Do you have other chickens that she can be around after her quarantine period is over? They like to be around at least 1 or 2 other chickens.
Thank you very much. She currently has vitamins in her water. I'll try giving her yoghourt and scrambled egg (just seems wrong). Th My chicks eat organic chick starter. Thank you very much for the advice. Much appreciated.

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