Feather Pecking Nightmare

Hi all

I thought I should drop a reply (and a huge thank you) to both [COLOR=333333]Newtochicklets and MasterOfClucker for there reply's.[/COLOR]

Sanders (My problem Hen) is totally reformed it is like having a new bird!
It would seem she just needs a different diet to the other two.

I tried the tuna and the alfalfa bale + a few tweaks to there mix (more pellets less grain) and peace and tranquility has been restored within the hen house.

A big thank you to you both!

Wow such good news!! Glad it helped!
Hi all

Another update.

Unfortunately it was to good to last and she is back to her old devil bird self. This time going beyond feather pecking she drew blood the other day!
I am still trying the Tuna and alfalfa but I think she might just be the bird from hell.
It looked like she was improving and then all of a sudden just went back to her old ways and worse.
Hi all

Another update.

Unfortunately it was to good to last and she is back to her old devil bird self. This time going beyond feather pecking she drew blood the other day!
I am still trying the Tuna and alfalfa but I think she might just be the bird from hell.
It looked like she was improving and then all of a sudden just went back to her old ways and worse.

All thats too bad!!
Mine has been xtra aggressive lately too. Been drawing blood on two of mine who just started laying. She made both their combs bleed. Very frustrating. Thankfully she still hasnt went back to eating feathers however.
I cant wait till the snow melts here so they have alot more space.
I may seperate her again for a little longer and see if when i bring her back if she isnt the head hen anymore.
Sorry to hear your having troubles again. It sure isnt fun!
I just wish chickens were nicer to each other, but they have quite the pecking order . Thats one thing i never really knew before i got them.
In my first flock i ended up getting rid of two hens who were ganging up on the other chickens together. One would jump on their back and one would aggresively peck their head.
I got rid of them. I have chickens to enjoy and to sit and watch. After i got rid of them the others never fought again.
I do beleive some are just real mean.
Quote: No snow here,Has been in the 70s.
No snow here,Has been in the 70s.:D

Haha ! Jealous! Snowing heavy today. Been a long winter so far! Sooo much snow!!!! I keep shoveleing down to areas of grass so the chickens have something to do. Thankfully they have a good sized covered run, but still being confined definatly makes them bored and cranky. They still like the alfalfa bale tho!!
I know it has been awhile since my last reply but I thought I should update this in case anyone else was interested or has a similar problem. After doing a lot of research I found some literature stating the problem with feather pecking can be them trying to replicate natural foraging behaviors.
Basically because they have a feeder with all the food they could ever need they pig out in the morning get bored by the afternoon and then terrorize each other.
So I decided to try something.
I removed the feeder and every morning I rake the entire run clean scatter pellets, grain, oats, grit and oyster shell throughout the run and then lightly rake it over to cover it.
The difference this has made has been remarkable. The pecking stopped instantly. They spend the day digging for food instead. The hen who had her feathers plucked out as regrown almost all of them! She just has a small bare patch left on her back now which has new feathers currently coming through.
I haven't had any feather pecking in months and they all seem much happier.
Thanks all for your help!

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