Feather picking, pinless peepers, and diet

I agree with Mrs K which is why I used the pinless peepers.

I kept the peepers on for a few months on the hens who were doing the attacking but eventually took them off. It seems that the hen to hen aggression is dependant on the season just as rooster to rooster aggression. So, right now, with snow and all, the hens are mostly getting along. Ariel and Dulcinea got in a full set of feathers late in the fall, and, until a few weeks ago, they had no feather damage. They're now missing some wing feathers so I suspect that Daffy and Perky are doing it (haven't seen it though). I was hoping they would now get along for good but that remains to be seen. There have been nights when Daffy and Ariel have roosted next to each other without a problem. I think the girls hatred for snow is greater than their hatred for each other. They will wad together in the corner of the house just to avoid getting near the white stuff!
Really appreciate the updates with outcomes on these threads.

I'm considering some peepers for four new pullets that I want to integrate with my flock after having no success with upping protein and ensuring lots of space/distraction to try to stop their feather picking and eating.

Peepers seem like a more humane solution than introducing this nasty behaviour to my main flock!

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