Feather Problem. Pics included.

Oh thank you. That menu sounds delicious.

I would love to trade!!!!!! That sounds like a great idea. Let me know when you're ready!
Our Ranch Outlet has the medicated Gamebird starter. Would that be the same thing? I feed medicated Game bird starter to all of my turkeys for about 8 months and it works VERY WELL.
The medicated gamebird starter will work just fine; that's what I started mine on. Switched to regular gamebird crumble at 3 months of age & supplement same like Andy does.
Gee, you don't think we all spoil our peas or anything like that, do you?
I had asked the question about what to feed mine earlier this year, deerman and Steve (Choctaw Valley Farm) both advised 18% protien. Steve said that too high protien will cause leg problems down the line. https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=375096

cups gamebird feed 2 cups of crack corn and 1 cup of cat food twice a day, in the am and then in the evening? Your birds must eat way more than mine! With 2 adults, one 6 month old, and a chicken there is no way they even eat 4 cups a day let alone 10! The medicated just has a coccidiostat to prevent coccidiosis.
Tried to wrap my peacock with no luck. I used an ace bandage but he was able to manuever out of it. I'm afraid to wrap it to tight. His legs are so long, he can wiggle and move and it comes off. Does anyone know what I can use to wrap around him?

Thanks for any ideas.
Had a large crow once that had a wing problem that needed wrapped and held tight to its body. Called a wild animal rescue and they told me to use nylon hose for women, cut into a tube of appropriate length and pull it over the head and around the body. The head and legs will be clear of the nylon hose. It will be snug and should not be easily pulled off by the bird. If you need to do some specific wrapping of the wing, do it then put the hose over it. The great thing is that you probably have some at the house and it varies is size from the foot to the hip so use the area that will fit the bird nice and snug, but not so tight it can't breath well. Good luck and let us know how it works on peas.

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