Feather Round-up


Jan 5, 2016
This sounds really stupid. I live in a windy area. When my hens molted last fall it looked like a feather quilt exploded. They are all over!. Does anyone have a creative solution for getting this mess out of the nearby grass areas? Raking was a loss - they stick in the grass!
The big, long ones are sharp (I have Guineahens) and my vet has cautioned that my golden retriever should not eat them as they pose a puncture hazard. Unfortunately she always seems to find them before I do!
Oh, yikes, yeah that's a good reason...
.....you're probably going to have to pick them up by hand if a rake doesn't work.

Was thinking maybe lawn mower with bag....but that might leave shards.
...or leaf vacuum, but that probably wouldn't get big ones, or they'd clog the vacuum.

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