featherless bare spots on chicks - pix


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 30, 2009
Hello, I have 3 black sex-links that have bare spots and ratty feathers. All of my other chicks look great. They have plenty of room. We tried wiping with some vinegar and water for the first time tonight, in case it is pecking. Any thoughts? Suggestions?




Looks like pecking, but I am not anywhere close to expert. I personally would seperate them, with eithe a second brooder or a divider in the box.
Huh? Are they bloody at all? I really think that they are just loosing their fuzz before their feathers come in. Do all three have the same bare spots? Mine are 6 weeks old and are now totally feathered out. They looked really funny and "ugly-cute" with several bald spots all over the wing and neck area before all the feathers came in. Just keep an eye out for the pecking issue but I don't think that is your problem...then again.....I'm a newbie too.

P.S. How old are they and are they all black sex link?
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They are 2 weeks old and the three that have bare spots are all black sex-links. All the other breeds are doing great. We have 2 more sex-links that look fine too.
Darn it! I wish I knew a FOR SURE answer for you. I really think that it is just how they are feathering out. Maybe some more experienced will see your post....good luck!
Bare spots happen in some breeds as they grow and feather in. If there's no seepage, no blood, no scaling, I wouldn't worry over much. Some breeds blow down, rather than loose it a tiny bit at a time. Usually you soon see feathering in the blown spots.

If there's seepage, blood, red or rough textured skin then you may have another problem but usually those problems affect most or all of the other chicks - mites, nutrition, environment, etc.

Keep an eye on it, keep the environment clean, clean any perches you're using but don't worry too much, sometimes, some breeds just grow that way.
I have the exact same thing happening with one of my black sumatras! The same spot and everything...
I don't think it's pecking though.

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