Featherless Chicken


Dec 19, 2020
Northern New York
Hello everyone, I am new to this forum. I live in the north so winters are a struggle here. I had some concerns with a 1 1/2 year old Silver Laced Wyandotte, she has stopped laying, she is missing feathers all over the place. When you try to go near her she screams and freaks out. I have been feeding mealworms and other protein packed things but not much is working. I do think she might be pulling them out herself and then eating them because she is segregated and I have never found one feather.
Any advice would be great! Thanks
Hello everyone, I am new to this forum. I live in the north so winters are a struggle here. I had some concerns with a 1 1/2 year old Silver Laced Wyandotte, she has stopped laying, she is missing feathers all over the place. When you try to go near her she screams and freaks out. I have been feeding mealworms and other protein packed things but not much is working. I do think she might be pulling them out herself and then eating them because she is segregated and I have never found one feather.
Any advice would be great! Thanks
It sounds like she started moulting and being alone has stressed her out. A chicken kept without any friends becomes neurotic and here where I love it can get to -40 with a good polar vortex . I would find her a “chicken saddle” or sew one up if you’re able theyre very simple in design I’m not a great sewer and I got one made in about 30 mins. That’ll protect her back if it’s a rooster pulling her feathers out mounting her and it’ll give her a bit of protection from the cold.

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