Feathery dreams

Wow that is an amazing dream, seems very symbolic, the thing with the painting actually reminds me of the elder scrolls game, there was a quest where you go inside a painting. The spinning is very interesting, do you remember what direction it was spinning in? Not to get all new agey here(I' m a curious skeptic to everything), but there are theories about the spinning. When I meditate I feel like I spin into 3 directions at once, the first time I did that I fell out of my chair. lol But also in science it is significant thing, double helix, water etc. Not sure about the horns, but 3 is usually some sort of balance and the skull in general is a symbol for knowledge. You know skull=brain=knowledge. But you know yourself best and it may mean something completely different to you.
Very very interesting!
My eyes were spinning clockwise. The painting I was banished in was also like I was at a dock of boats; but soon later my face was out of that window and I had regular vision again and I was at a warehouse of some sort. But in my dream I also remember someone saying that if someone had the 3 horns on their head like I did there was something wrong with you in the head (like you've gone insane or something, and no I'm not talking about the "good" kind of insane). So I wonder what the horns meant; might look it up. = P
I had my favourite dream so far a few months back. It had my crush, Jerry, in it {
}. That's not the only reason it's my favourite, it is also the most random dream I have ever had. Anything in {parentheses} is my own notes and was not in the dream.

I was at church and we were showing this old time farming demonstration video. My cat, Whisper, somehow got to the church and came in. I picked him up and going to carry him out when Jerry stopped me because he wanted to pet him {he hates cats, btw. Sucker.}. So he petted him, and petted him, and petted him for a really long time and was cooing a him and everything. I was thinking Ok, I thought this guy didn't really like cats... Well, people were going to start coming soon, so I had to get the cat out. So I said "Ok." and took the cat out. As I was setting him outside I thought Oh, dear, I hope Jerry isn't mad, I snatched the cat away rather suddenly. I went back inside to find him, and thought I saw him sitting on the back chairs. The video was starting, so I went over and whispered "Jerry." Dad grinned up at me and said "Hi, Ada!" {oops} Then it focused in on the video and got closer and closer until I was in the video, mowing a little hill with an old reel mower. Jerry was sitting at the end of the hill so I went over to him.
"I wasn't trying to snatch the cat away from you, it's just that people were going to be coming soon and I needed to get him out of there."
"Oh, I know." He answered understandingly. Then he grinned and switched to that teasing tone I like so much. "No.... you probably just tell everyone that until they're on their last leg, then when I'm dying in the hospital you'll still have your cat!"
I laughed
He continued "Then you can tell everyone about me. That I was very smart and very tall, and veritable {A French word, I believe it means "true"}. And very good-looking."
"Well, aren't you just one proud little peacock!" I replied, laughingly.
We started walking back towards this little office building thing and I had some water in a glass that I dumped out because it was warm and yucky. He was holding the door the the office building open and had an expression on his face like "Why.did.you.DO.that?"
"I took a sip of it and it was warm and disgusting."
"Oh, ok."
We went in and he went to sit on a little bench thing. By then my glass had turned into a Dixie cup, so I threw it away and walked out. A girl I know was out on these swings {she also likes/d Jerry} and she said very sternly, "Where's Jerry." {no it wasn't said as a question.}
"He's in the office."
"Ok." She nodded.
I continued on and came across a little girl who kept calling me Aunt Pigeon Wall {yeah, I know} She showed me how she gathered eggs and stuck them down this little hole in the ground, where they traveled along in this little underground tunnel and came out where her Dad was waiting to put them away.
Then I woke up.

That was the weirdest dream I ever had. And it was so funny telling people about it, they laughed their heads off, lol. My favourite line was "No.... you probably just tell everyone that until they're on their last leg, then when I'm dying in the hospital you'll still have your cat!"

Anyway, sorry to be so long winded. I don't like leaving out any details, lol.
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Wow those are all amazing. Oh and the eyes spinning clock wise is good, clock wise usually means with the stream rather then against. Has anyone ever heard the word 'shigguwam' or something that sounds similar? It's something from one dream of mine. I watched burning fields and there was a white fox inside a small birdcage hanging on a porch somewhere and this native american chief in full tribal outfit said 'remember this: shigguwam'. For some reason there are a lot of native american themes in my dreams, I am not even american, born and raised in europe.
Oh this question was on a radio show once 'can you see color in your dreams?'.
Wow those are all amazing. Oh and the eyes spinning clock wise is good, clock wise usually means with the stream rather then against. Has anyone ever heard the word 'shigguwam' or something that sounds similar? It's something from one dream of mine. I watched burning fields and there was a white fox inside a small birdcage hanging on a porch somewhere and this native american chief in full tribal outfit said 'remember this: shigguwam'. For some reason there are a lot of native american themes in my dreams, I am not even american, born and raised in europe.
Oh this question was on a radio show once 'can you see color in your dreams?'.

That's a strange dream. = P I think I've heard of Sigguwam, just don't remember...
Maybe my dream meant that even things seem uneasy, everything's in order and everything will be fine = P
(I have no idea though.) I actually remember seeing color in my dreams though, so I think that you can, its just remembered as grey.
That's a strange dream. = P I think I've heard of Sigguwam, just don't remember...
Maybe my dream meant that even things seem uneasy, everything's in order and everything will be fine = P
(I have no idea though.) I actually remember seeing color in my dreams though, so I think that you can, its just remembered as grey.

Or maybe it is grey until you think it is red and that's when it turns it red in your mind maybe? I remember distinctly seeing a green and a red surfboard in a dream, but only after I asked myself if those were in color after I heard that question on the radio the day before.
Last night was kind of a boring dream. Co worker helping me dye my hair bright red, showing me blacklight jewlery and a bunch of people sleeping on shelves(which is a common theme in my dreams). Then I am walking down a path in the skyrim game and thinking that I wish it was cold again, because we will be overrun with mosquitos.
Last night was kind of a boring dream. Co worker helping me dye my hair bright red, showing me blacklight jewlery and a bunch of people sleeping on shelves(which is a common theme in my dreams). Then I am walking down a path in the skyrim game and thinking that I wish it was cold again, because we will be overrun with mosquitos.

LOL that's funny!
Wow those are all amazing. Oh and the eyes spinning clock wise is good, clock wise usually means with the stream rather then against. Has anyone ever heard the word 'shigguwam' or something that sounds similar? It's something from one dream of mine. I watched burning fields and there was a white fox inside a small birdcage hanging on a porch somewhere and this native american chief in full tribal outfit said 'remember this: shigguwam'. For some reason there are a lot of native american themes in my dreams, I am not even american, born and raised in europe.
Oh this question was on a radio show once 'can you see color in your dreams?'.

yeah, why?

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