fecal staking on the bum of my chick


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 29, 2008
I am new to chick raising and have one chick that is getting poop stacked around her bum. the seven other chicks are fine. I read that this might be cause by a high brooding temperature. I decreased the temp but what can I do for my chick? I tried pulling the matter off but this seemed to cause it pain.
Wet it with warm water until it softens enough you can get it off. It can kill them if it isn't removed. Some people put a little olive oil on their bum after they get it cleaned off to keep it from sticking again.
THANK YOU for your reply. I just removed some poo with a warm washcloth and had read somewhere about applying oil but did not know what kind.

I have 17 chicks and only one had this pasty bum (correct name?) After removing the poo she made a big pile for me but she looks bald on her rump, is that normal or did I injure her??

Also very new and just learning

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