Feces color change


11 Years
Jun 23, 2008
North Carolina
I've noticed recently that some of my free-range chickens have started producing blue feces (blue when it would normally be a more olive green). I haven't changed anything feed-wise. I have put lime down on some patches of the lawn where I had ducklings caged--to keep flies and dogs out of the resulting mess ducklings make. Could the chickens be scratching in the lime and that is somehow changing the color of their feces? The best way to describe the color is the same blue as rat poison, but there hasn't been an poison put down around here. Any thoughts?

I'd say berries and pray it's not rat poison.

I fed my girls beets once and thought everyone was bleeding to death until I remembered what I had fed them. They took 10 years off my life.
from KS.
I would say the same as the other posters. Must have some berries somewhere. Just keep an eye on them for awhile or watch where they go and see if they lead you to a berry patch, weed or whatever.
It can't be rat poison because none has been put down. There could be some under the house, but that's completely closed off--no animals can get in there. We don't have any pokeweed in the pastures, and there are no berries in the yard or pasture either (and if there were, the sheep would get them before the chickens did). I've been wracking my brain about what it could be. It's been going on for a while now (at least a week), so unless whatever it could be is a very slow poison, it's not likely to be anything toxic. It's just odd, because I've never seen that color before (bright blue-green) and wanted to make sure it's not a sign/symptom of something.

That sounds like bile--meaning they are not getting sufficient fluids, or are losing too much, probably due to heat. Give them pedialyte or gatorade; you may want to add ice to keep it cool enough that they will drink. I would also suggest keeping them cooped so that you can better monitor them--how much they are eating and drinking, temperatures, etc.

Blue didn't ring a bell, but when you said blue-green, boy did that.

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