Fed Avocado to flock yesterday - 1 sick chicken today

Yeah, sorry, I still wouldn't give an avocado as a treat. There are lots of things that other folks do that I wouldn't with my flock & vice versa. Since my girls will never know what they're missing, I am totally cool with that, lol!
im with you on that , i do as i feel is the safe thing for all my own chickens included.
UPDATE #1: It's been 2 days since she got sick. No improvement at all, but she hasn't worsened or shown any new symptoms. Up until this morning we had been leaving her alone in the coop except to occasionally pick her up to inspect her for new symptoms and make sure the others weren't picking on her. I didn't want to stress her out and make it worse. But she seemed weaker this morning (from not eating?) and last night we noticed that she wasn't roosting with the others. Instead she was hanging out by the water feeder on the opposite side, acting restless in the dark. So I decided to isolate her in a dog carrier and bring her inside where it's warm. (She's currently in her little hospital sitting on my kitchen table I KNOW I KNOW IT'S GROSS watching me type this.) It's only been a few hours, but she seems less puffed-up/hunched and she has been drinking a TON of water (which can be a sign of toxins) and taking a few bites of soaked layer pellets! And she pooped! Although she's still mostly sleeping, fingers crossed eating/drinking/pooping are good signs and she just needs warmth and isolation to recover.

After exhaustively searching the internet feeling guilty as hell and hoping to find a more obvious (and not my fault!) explanation for her sickness, I am still convinced her symptoms and the timing align with avocado toxicity. While there are certainly many people out there with anecdotal evidence that avocado flesh is ok for their chickens, or chickens in Mexico, etc., the scientific literature I found links persin toxicity in birds with all parts of the avocado - it just depends on the size of the bird and their sensitivity to persin, the amount they ate, and the degree of persin leaching from the skin/pit to the flesh. DON'T FEED CHICKENS AVOCADOS! It's not worth the risk.
Maybe if you try something that can keep her calm so there is no heart attack and try flushing her system. That's so sad. I have yet to give my birds anything outside of packaged food and mealworms , except watermelon bc I'm afraid of this.
UPDATE #1: It's been 2 days since she got sick. No improvement at all, but she hasn't worsened or shown any new symptoms. Up until this morning we had been leaving her alone in the coop except to occasionally pick her up to inspect her for new symptoms and make sure the others weren't picking on her. I didn't want to stress her out and make it worse. But she seemed weaker this morning (from not eating?) and last night we noticed that she wasn't roosting with the others. Instead she was hanging out by the water feeder on the opposite side, acting restless in the dark. So I decided to isolate her in a dog carrier and bring her inside where it's warm. (She's currently in her little hospital sitting on my kitchen table I KNOW I KNOW IT'S GROSS watching me type this.) It's only been a few hours, but she seems less puffed-up/hunched and she has been drinking a TON of water (which can be a sign of toxins) and taking a few bites of soaked layer pellets! And she pooped! Although she's still mostly sleeping, fingers crossed eating/drinking/pooping are good signs and she just needs warmth and isolation to recover.

After exhaustively searching the internet feeling guilty as hell and hoping to find a more obvious (and not my fault!) explanation for her sickness, I am still convinced her symptoms and the timing align with avocado toxicity. While there are certainly many people out there with anecdotal evidence that avocado flesh is ok for their chickens, or chickens in Mexico, etc., the scientific literature I found links persin toxicity in birds with all parts of the avocado - it just depends on the size of the bird and their sensitivity to persin, the amount they ate, and the degree of persin leaching from the skin/pit to the flesh. DON'T FEED CHICKENS AVOCADOS! It's not worth the risk.

Glad to hear she is still alive and is not doing any worse. From what I read, the first 24-48 hours are the most critical, so hopefully you’re over the worst of it.
I hope she gets better! Keep us updated on her progress!
Background: I fed my flock
She is a 22 week old Black Sex-link. Not laying yet. She is lethargic, fluffed up, and slightly shivering. She is staying behind in the coop while the others are out free-ut for?
COULD be signs of Coccidiosis too.
COULD be signs of Coccidiosis too.
True. But no blood in droppings. I know that isn't necessarily always a symptom, but lack of bloody feces in conjunction with the timing of illness after feeding her so much avocado, plus her urge to drink lots and lots of water, makes me lean towards exposure to toxins as the culprit. Regardless, we started our flock on a round of Corid.
True. But no blood in droppings. I know that isn't necessarily always a symptom, but lack of bloody feces in conjunction with the timing of illness after feeding her so much avocado, plus her urge to drink lots and lots of water, makes me lean towards exposure to toxins as the culprit. Regardless, we started our flock on a round of Corid.
Her drinking lots of water sounds good. Sounds like she's trying to flush it out herself. I've read alot since finding your post and it seems some ppl have no problems...and some lose their birds. Could have something to do with age and how much they have of something else in their system which can counteract it. Wish there was more info out there..a study or something
Her drinking lots of water sounds good. Sounds like she's trying to flush it out herself. I've read alot since finding your post and it seems some ppl have no problems...and some lose their birds. Could have something to do with age and how much they have of something else in their system which can counteract it. Wish there was more info out there..a study or something
Detox Potion,
Detox Potion,
Detox Potion.
Avocado is a big no-no! Pits, skin, flesh. Everything avocado is bad bad bad! I'm not sure how to help with these. You may need some antibiotics to flush out the bad toxins the chicken received. Or it may just need to run its course. Good luck! I would suggest looking up the foods to not feed your chickens. It will save someone in the future. Good luck!

-Chatty :)

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