Fed Avocado to flock yesterday - 1 sick chicken today

Oh. I would also suggest separating her so you can make any modifications to bedding, feed, water, etc. It also allows you to check her poop. It will calm her down too.
I am sorry for your loss.
Are you able to send her body for a necropsy so you now what cause it?
What state are you in?
I am sorry for your loss.
Are you able to send her body for a necropsy so you now what cause it?
What state are you in?
No, we already buried her. Didn't think of that at the time we were so upset. But we live in Colorado and I wonder if CSU could have done a necropsy. I do wish I knew for sure what was wrong, because I am majorly struggling with guilt over this.
Oh. I would also suggest separating her so you can make any modifications to bedding, feed, water, etc. It also allows you to check her poop. It will calm her down too.
I did that yesterday, and it was a good idea. She seemed peaceful and was eating and drinking. But she got sleepier and sleepier as the day wore on, until she finally slipped away overnight. I'm heartbroken.
No, we already buried her. Didn't think of that at the time we were so upset. But we live in Colorado and I wonder if CSU could have done a necropsy. I do wish I knew for sure what was wrong, because I am majorly struggling with guilt over this.

I’m so sorry to hear about that! Don’t beat yourself up over it. Even if it was the avacado, there is so much mixed information on it out there, it is hard to know the right thing to do sometimes. It sounds like some people give it to their chickens with no ill effects and others lose their birds because of it. So, try not to blame yourself....she was obviously very loved and well taken care of! Sending hugs your way:hugs
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