Feed and water: in or out?

I have mine indoors for the same reason as everyone else who has it indoors, it seems, plus one: If I get to the chickens late one morning, I won't stress about them being without food or water.
I keep the food and water inside. I don't want to feed the wild birds, and/or draw mice or rats to the coop with any food left out. In the summer months I will put out extra water founts around the yard so the birds don't have to run all the way back home to get a drink.
Feed and water in then out. Yup, that's my problem with a small yard, can't walk bare foot in the grass anymore...then again, we are loosing the grass too!
My feed and water stays outside. Never inside. Mine only go in on there own choice at night to roost and to lay during the day. So no need for feed and water inside.
I keep my feed and water out. My hens use their hen house only for laying eggs and sleeping at night, the rest of their day they are in their run. I've never considered putting their feed in their coop since they are only sleeping in there..
i keep food and water inside and out side and i do remove the food in the run at night.i do have a hen that comes off the roost to eat and drink.she does this when i go down to shut the coop door.
I was thinking about doing chicken nipples as i am still finishing my coop I was going to do them inside and out on a gravity feed system hooked to a toilet float so it will have fresh water all the time. My outside run is covered and I was thinking of keeping the food outside on a pully system so i can raise it to the roof to keep the pests away Dont know if that will help or if i should just put it away. But this forum has alot of great info on it and thanks to all that have answered my questions...

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