Feed for Laying Hens


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 23, 2009
Does anyone know the quality difference between Agrimaster Feed for Laying Hens and Purina's Layena? Layena's prices went up again and I found Agrimaster to be much cheaper. When I opened the bag of Agrimaster it smells alot stronger than the Layena. I want a good feed but don't necessarily want to pay for "steak" when "chicken" will do just as good if you know what I mean.
Yes I did - but alot of the ingredients contain alot of letters - have no clue what they are so I don't know what I am comparing.
I don't know the differences between the two brands, but, I am a new chicken owner and I have never used anything else but the Layena crumbles since my pullets started laying (Dec 09). Every single egg I have gathered has been in excellent condition as far as color/weight/size/shell hardness from my four RIR hens.
Also it has all the nutrients and protein they need and everything about them looks healthy... beautiful feathers, nice bright red combs, clear eyes, etc.
Just one opinion...I have been VERY happy with Layena!
Don't know about Agrimaster. Online price comparison with Layena is about $1.49 less than Layena. I guess if you go through 50lb bags weekly the savings would add up. I only use about 85 lbs a month so I don't mind using the Purina product that has always worked for me.
I don't know the difference and we can't get Purina here, our feed store only carries a locally made feed and Nutrena made products.
So I use the locally made layer Feed and broiler Feed and medicated chick starter (1day-6 week old chicks only).
Thanks for the responses! I just found out that TSC offers a volume discount (5% off when you buy 20 bags or more). Plus they are having a sale on the Layena for "Chick Days" ($1.00 off each bag). Plus I downloaded a $10 coupon off their website. This will help bring the cost down.
I've feed layena for the last 2 months to my RIRs. The yolks seem paler than usual but that might also be due to the lack of insects and such in their diet
I learned an interesting thing about feed bags/ingredients when I was switching horse feeds. If the ingredients are printed on the bag the feed is more consistent. If it's on a tag it is often (not always) because they alter ingredients more frequently.

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