Feed for Pheasants... does this sound ok


7 Years
Nov 25, 2012
So I have read differing opinions about what is suitable for pheasants diet- 28%, no more than 24%, layer pellets, etc...since I have chickens, quail and pheasants, I am trying to come up with a feed that is suitable for all the birds and this is what I am doing right now-
Equal parts of:
layer pellets
wheat bran
7 grain scratch

We use feeders made out of 3" PVC with an elbow leading into a 10" section with 3- 2 1/2" holes for food access.

We offer oyster shell free choice as well.

I am thinking I may just go back to feeding the quail and pheasants non medicated chick starter if the above is not a good mix for them.

the chicken feed mash is 18%, the wheat bran is 12% and the grains are about 9%. The dog food I get is a mash form also so I wonder, since it is 30% if I could add some of that to the mix to up the protein?
Pheasants need a gamebird feed in their diet,along with the other feeds you should be good.I would steer away from giving any mash to adult birds.they should be on a pellet.Ther dog food has more nutrients then grain feeds,so that is good for them.
Are they eating all of the ingredients you are feeding them?
When laying season starts you should give them greens, fruits and veggies and some millet.They also love the fruit and berry mix at Walmart.In the hot months I would do away with any type of corn.
In N.H.,Tony.
Again, thanks so much Tony. I have decided to go back to Starter for gamebirds (24%) the game bird feed around here is basically a glorified scratch- heavy with cracked corn. So far, it appears that they are eating everything as I do not see any feed on the ground.

Are peanuts ok for them? Unsalted of course...

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