Feed Management Methods [Poll]

How do you keep your Flock???

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I keep my birds secure most of the time and occasionally let them out for while supervised. Maybe I shouldn't really be treating that as one of the "free ranging" votes; I'm not sure. For outings they have access to around a 1 acre clearing. Of course, they don't get that space in winter when the snow is deeper than the chickens are tall.

EDIT: since this is about feed management, I also bring substantial amounts of the clearing to them in the secure area via clippings from an electric mower. Regular fresh clippings does actually make noticeable dent in the amount of regular feed consumed per day and they do eat a lot of what I put in.
I keep my birds secure most of the time and occasionally let them out for while supervised. Maybe I shouldn't really be treating that as one of the "free ranging" votes; I'm not sure. For outings they have access to around a 1 acre clearing. Of course, they don't get that space in winter when the snow is deeper than the chickens are tall.
that's the third answer if its something you do on weekends, and the fifth answer if its something you do most nights when you get home from work. Assuming you have fewer than 44 birds. ;)
I have a secure coop and run that is big enough to house all my birds without free ranging (can old up to 30ish, have 24). That being said, they free range most of the day from whenever I let them out until sundown. The range on 4-5 acres which includes (but not limited to) the immediate yard, fields, and dense forest. The only times they don't free range is when I'm away, poor weather, or predator hazards.

Feed is provided in the coop at all times.
that's the third answer if its something you do on weekends, and the fifth answer if its something you do most nights when you get home from work.
Ok sounds like I picked right then.

Assuming you have fewer than 44 birds. ;)
I'll just count my actual birds for now instead of my aspirations LOL.
My flock has access to 30 acres during the day. The entire property has a variety of different foraging grasses, grains, legumes, edible wildflowers, a small orchard and berry bushes. They also have free access to a 40'x60' garden and (2x) 50'x100' gardens . At night they are currently locked up in a 30'x60' pole barn.

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