Flock Composition [Age/Gender] Poll

What is the approximate composition of your current flock(s)?

  • D) I have roughly equal numbers of Adult Hens and Roosters

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • E) I have more Adult Roosters than Hens

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • F) I have many more Adult Roosters than Hens

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • G) I have only Adult Roosters

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Crossing the Road
Jun 7, 2020
North FL Panhandle Region / Wiregrass
Information gathering about the community of BYC and the ways or chicken-keeping practices are similar or different. Answer TWICE - one ABC, one 123. The handful of chicks you currently have in a brooder box are not a seperate "flock" for purposes of this poll if you intend that they join the main flock once they've grown up some. Please answer with regard your "main" Chicken flock (apologies those who maintain multiple flocks of differing compositions - i may do a follow up poll)

Exact numbers are unimportant, there will be some judgement calls. If unsure, you may certainly ask. As guiding examples:

Should you have eight or nine hens per rooster, that's many more hens than roosters. If you have eight hens and two roosters, you have more hens than roosters. If you have six hens and four roosters, that's roughly equal numbers of hens and roosters. "Only" hens means NO Roosters. " Only" roosters means NO hens.

"Youngsters" includes Hatchlings, Juveniles, and Adolescents - essentially pullets before point of lay and roosters not yet seeking to mount hens, without regard to gender.

Please ignore the language, I am NOT trying to distinguish between birds under one year of age and over. Just "sexually mature" and not. I apologize for for any confusion, I lacked for better terms.

and if you are raising Cx or others "meat" birds for cull at/before around 20 weeks, you have only Youngsters.
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And I'll start. I have 17 hens of approx 2 years of age, an additional 17 birds under one year of age, most of which are adult hens, and 13 youngters presently. I chose C3 (more/more). Had I culled a few more adult males (I believe I have 6 total at present), to say, half that number, I'd have chosen B3.

THANK YOU for particpating.
C, 3? 11 hens and one rooster just over two years. 8 pullets and 1 cockerel ~10 months.
your 8 pullets aren't laying at 10 months? and your cockerel isn't trying to jump the ladies?
By my (admittedly arbitrary) definitions, if all the girls are laying, they are "adults", and if all the boys are trying to mount, so are they. That would be 19 adult hens, 2 adult roosters, and no youngsters.

your 8 pullets aren't laying at 10 months? and your cockerel isn't trying to jump the ladies?
By my (admittedly arbitrary) definitions, if all the girls are laying, they are "adults", and if all the boys are trying to mount, so are they. That would be 19 adult hens, 2 adult roosters, and no youngsters.

You sunk my battleship. lol

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