Feed Mix


5 Years
Mar 16, 2016
NW Pennsylvania
I have alot of chickens for meat and I do a 3 month rotation for 30 chickens each month so i have 90 chickens total and the plan was to keep the chickens on starter grower and beef em up for meat and what not but after they get about 2 months old one batch of 30 can go through a bag in a few days. I bought a 50lb bag of cracked corn, 50lb bag of scratch grain and 50lb bag of starter grower and I was going to mix all three and feed like that. Saves me money ALOT. I wanted to do just grain and corn but heard that it would just stunt the growth. Any suggestions on how many parts I should do what or a better idea to save money on feed for meat chickens?
that is a good idea while others say no to make that ration work all you have to do is add soybean meal to boost the protein, for meat birds you will need around 22-24% protein. I don't know the ration but if you go to a local grain mill around you they can tell you the proper mix.
If these are meat birds and cost of feed is a concern, why not do fermented feed? Here is a 1,743 page thread for you......yes I said 1,743 pages.


on its own yes the starter is fine but adding corn and scratch will lower the protein content so you will have to add that protein back in, and as for fermentation that will really save you $ and soybean meal isn't that expensive, around me at least.

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