feed mixture


10 Years
May 9, 2009
I have found out that I can get an 18% protien feed by the 55 gallon drum full for $30.00,it consist of corn,soybean,sorgum seeds, and I cant remember the other ingreedient,however its about the size of regular crumbles so that shouldnt be a consideration. they also have a 41% feed that is about the size of a chick starter for $60.00 for a 55 gallon drum that is made of soybean husks

my question is will these be ok to feed coturnix quail?
I would look att the other minerals and vitamins in them..but if they are "complete balanced" rations...

I would feed the 18% to my breeders and the 41% mixed half and half with the 18% for little birds...

Here is how I get that...I feed about 18% to my adults and have no issues...yeah I know they need more but it works for me. I feed a 30% to my chicks and it works and you would get a 29.5% by mixing the two...
Do what you think is best, but I pay .33cents a pound for PMGBS 30% protein. It is a complete scientifically designed ration for game birds. I feed it from hatch to dispatch. I'm not one to mix this with that and hope for a good outcome, because I got some protein level right. Mixing up your own feed in your basement to save a buck will probably wind up costing you in the end. IMHO

I use Purina Mills Game bird starter 30% protein. Other good Game bird starter is Nutrina brand. I think it ls a little less protein, but perfectly fine and complete! I would give it a try if I could get a bag and my coturnix hens wouldn't punish me with "no eggs for you Mr." for a change in their perpetual sameness mentality.
There is also one other Game bird feed MFG. I can't find the name off the top of my head, but they have good feed as well.
a 55 gal drum full would be in excess of 200+ pounds.... add to that the need for cutting it down with yet another 55 gal/ 200+ pound drum of alleged feed and your going to end up with around 450-500 lbs of feed. Are you feeding 10,000 chicks? because if not then most of your feed will go bad way before you use it. Not to mention all the fun of logistics--- moving said 55 gallon drums full of alleged feed and then the whole mad scientist routine of mixing it and cooking up a workable formula... Thanx i think I will just continue to give my money to Purina....
thanks for the help guys.........I talked to a guy that use to raise quail and he said that he fed it to his chickens and after 2 weeks egg production dropped to 0 eggs a day so he fed it to his pig and went back to feeding laying pellets and about half a quart of the 41% soybean mixture and after 2 weeks his eggs production grew to all chickens laying every day even during the winter

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