feed--Purina Layena or Dumor layer?

Kacey's Krazee's :

I don't myself have any personal experience, but I have read here, that the Dumore feed makes their poop smell worse than normal. I am using the Purina feeds, and the smell is fine. I also use the deep litter method, and add the DE. My coop is smelling okay... nothing bad........

Ditto! With any other brands, their poops smelled horrible and more waste coming out of them. With Purina very little smell and less poop waste so I know they have be utilizing the Purina feed better than other brands, higher digestiblity and absorbtion.

I use Flock Raiser along with oyster shells for my girls until late spring I would switch to Layena for summer months. works well for me!​
i fed dumor when they were chicks, but since tsc sells layena now, thats what they eat. they like it better that the co-op feed. And layena was on sale pretty cheap. but the last time we ended up with pellets and MAN they waste those!, and i looked all over the danged bag, i cant find were it says "pellets" although it must say it somewhere. Anyways, i get eggs everyday, every other day i m getting gynormous ones. the shells are thick, they dont eat any oyster shell or eggs shells either. the poo is really good looking ( can you say that?? lol) AND i did notice that they eat a bit less of the layena than other feed... i think it may be more OUR personal preferances, ya know?
Yes they are made by the same company but if you take a microglass to the labels, there are some differences and the ratio and percentage wise would be different. All those chemical names in that label makes me feel stupid because I have not taken any chemistry classes in high school or college!
That is what I noticed too, they would eat so much of that Purina feed, less waste coming out. Highly recommended for that type of feed intake!
DUMOR 24% Chick Start does well for me. Costs a bit more. Chickens are designed to eat meat. The pork doesn't seem to bother them or me. I still feed Layena for layers. And like the flock raiser too. I guess were lucky to have two to choose from. For now.
Ok so its hands down Layena. Now the question is, do I fix something thats not broken? My birds are laying like crazy right now. Also now that its been mentioned I have noticed some absolutely HUGE poops in there. They almost look like they could be 8 regular poops piled on top of each other (theyre not, I checked lol). But the egg production is fine, so do I mess with it and risk making them stop laying due to an unnecessary food change?

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