Ok first off I have 6 ducks that consist of 3 boys and 3 girls that are all about 18 weeks 6 pullets and 1 rooster about 20 weeks and 2 guineas and 6 pullets are 8 weeks. My question is that I have the 8 week old chicks on a starter grower feed and rest on layer feed both are 18% protein. I have recently gotten 4 ducklings who are on starter as well but today I ran out of starter and can't get to feed store til next week. My concern is that if I feed the younger ones the layer feed for a few days is the calcium that is in it going to be an issue for this short amount of time? I checked the nutritional values and ingredients from each feed for comparison..the only nutritional difference between the 2 was of course added calcium and slightly lower phosphorus. Other than that they are same in vitamin levels and protein..but added Omega 3 fatty acids in layer and less probiotics