Feed question for mixed flock


Mar 17, 2017
Pomeroy, OH
Ok first off I have 6 ducks that consist of 3 boys and 3 girls that are all about 18 weeks 6 pullets and 1 rooster about 20 weeks and 2 guineas and 6 pullets are 8 weeks. My question is that I have the 8 week old chicks on a starter grower feed and rest on layer feed both are 18% protein. I have recently gotten 4 ducklings who are on starter as well but today I ran out of starter and can't get to feed store til next week. My concern is that if I feed the younger ones the layer feed for a few days is the calcium that is in it going to be an issue for this short amount of time? I checked the nutritional values and ingredients from each feed for comparison..the only nutritional difference between the 2 was of course added calcium and slightly lower phosphorus. Other than that they are same in vitamin levels and protein..but added Omega 3 fatty acids in layer and less probiotics
The calcium won't be much of and issue but the ducklings are going to need niacin so make sure whatever you are feeding them either has enough niacin to supplement ducks or add a niacin supplement to their feed.
Was mainly worried bout extra calcium and it causing kidney problems in younger chicks... would have had enough starter but with the addition of the little ducklings...we know what lil piglets they can be...lol. I ran out too soon. Just don't wanna jeopardize the growing ones health, but gonna be next to impossible for me to get more chick feed for a few days.

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