Feed Storage and waterers

Hey Chickiebabie (or anyone else who feels like answering)...I was thinking about trying those rubber dishes, but was wondering if you have problems with the chickens jumping up onto the ledge and then tipping it over or getting in it. I would guess that you've got it on a block or something to get it off the ground. The waterer we are using is too heavy for my daughters to lift and we're looking for an easier alternative.
Made some great waterers from a design I saw on here! 3 gal. buckets with a rubber seal built into the lid (paint buckets) screwed onto flowerpot trays. Last a long time and work wonderfully, just have to make sure the lids are sealed well. Also made a feeder along the same principles. I bought metal shelf brackets that suspend both feeders and waterers off the coop flooring, to save on feed and keep the water clean. Also have a PVC feeder we made ourselves.

We store our feed right in the coop in a metal trash can. When we have extra that won't fit in the can, we use the large plastic totes with lock down handles. No rodents yet. Although, it would be fun to see one get past the dogs to the feed!
Mommyland, we tried something we learned here on the forum for a waterer. We have mild winters here, but it sure works great for a once a week fill (we have 4 hens). Take a five gallon paint bucket with tight lid. You can get one for $5 at a local home improvement store. We had to pay $2 extra for lid. Then get a large plastic or clay saucer (16 in. was right for us) our plastic one cost $8. Drill 1/2 inch hole near top of bucket. Fill with water. Pound the lid back on and overturn onto saucer. Leaves just enough room for chickens to drink without getting it all dirty. Definitely put it up on a cement block so chickens can't kick everything into it. I love not having to refill a waterer once or twice a day (it gets hot here and I found hens were knocking into it to cool down. Hope you find what fits your needs.

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