Feed & Supply Costs in NY - What are you paying in your State


13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
:-( I Just heard on CNN the US Military death toll has reached 4,000

Gas Today in Geneseo NY - $3.42 gal

Feed at my Local Tractor Supply has gone up several dollars in the
last year.
Here are some prices on things I have purchased there and at the
Agway Farm Store.

50 pound of Dumor Chick Starter Feed is $15.49 + Tax
50 pound of Dumor Grower/Finisher crumbles $14.29 + Tax

Blue Seal 50# bag BREEDER PELLETS $13.20 + tax
Blue Seal 50# Egg Layer Crumbles $12.85 + tax
7 Cubic Foot of Pine Wood Shavings is $6.50 + tax

3 cubic foot of Cedar Shavings is $6.53 + TAX
Our WM does not carry feed.

I do not use much cedar I just sprinkle a small amout in each pen to
keep bugs away.

In Ohio we pay 12.00 a 50# bag of starter feed. Not sure about shavings for bedding because we pay $5.00 a truck load from an amish neighbor. But it is incredible how much starter feed has gone up. We paid 9-10.00 last year for the same bag.
i pay $10.50 for 50lbs of layer crumbles and 10.50 fora bale of hay, both have gone up double in price since i bought my chicks in April last year.Gas is $3.12 at the co op and 3.20 at the citgo,we live near the largest town in cannon co but its still a real country town, our grocery stores are piggley wiggley and super dollar general. if you want anything else you go 20 miles east, west, or north.
My feed has went up drastically. 2 weeks ago I paid $14.00 for a 50lb bag of Buckeye Layer. The other day it was almost $18.00. I am planning on doing meat chickens again early summer and was going to double from last year, but after doing the math I am doing just enough for us. No one will be willing to pay that for a chicken.
I think gas around here is $3.35 but diesel is $4.25. And of course thats what we use. Got a scooter, so hopefully it warms up soon here so I can get it out and use it.
A local feedstore has all 50lb bags of feed for $9.75. There is a local feed mill that I heard you could a ton for $240 or so. Don't need that much, but would love to find people to go in with me. It averages out to $7.50 per 50 lbs.
... And $12.99 for a 50 lb bag of layer pellets in Central Joysee.

(Hi, Nick!!!
I payed 12.50 for layer pellets at our feed store 10.59 for chick stater last month and 12.50 for an 80# bag of whole corn
Last I payed for gas was 3.45 thank goodness i get food gas milage

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