feed the hungry while having fun?


10 Years
Mar 17, 2009
Not sure...what day is it? :)
well maybe....

Here is a neat little family friendly game that can help feed the hungry while passing time online.

It is a trivia game that has a variety of subjects to choose from (I soooo failed the chemistry one) that will donate 10 grains of rice for every right answer....

Now I know... 10 grains isnt much... BUT it is fun, kills time, can be used to quiz kids on things like math, geography, vocab and more... all while filling your bowl to feed the hungry.

I got up to 800+ grains of rice before I decided to pass this site along for others to enjoy. I heard about it from a friend on another support group site (atruckerwife.com) and since I thought it was fun I figured I would share....

Check it out, post your grain count... lets fill some bowls


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