Feedback on Learning Center "Treats Chart"

I love the treats chart... I think the only comment I have, possibly not really related, is that the toxic plants list is by scientific name, which is cool and all... but I wish there was a list alphabetically of common names
CC my chicken Loves cabbage.. I read somewhere months ago on this site cabbage was good........... Anyway shes fine.. also she LOVES spagetti and cantalope guts... :eek:
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Mine love nightcrawlers. Whenever I have some left over from fishing or giving the turtles treats;).

They also ate up some dog food my dog had left. I know it's not good for them but a little won't kill them either. It was not spoiled or anything she just decided not to eat it all that day.
The most important thing is to provide grit so they can probably digest.

Isn't there grit mixed in the chick starter? I saw "chick grit" but was told I didn't need it.

Setter 4
My chicks absolutely love potato bugs, I don't know if that is the proper name. They are the big fat bugs with two sections and six legs that are all over the garden. I live in California, so they might only be out here. The chicks go crazy when they find one, thay chase eachother down screaming and stealing it back and forth. It is the funniest thing I have every seen. They do the same with earthworms, the other day they found one about eight inches long, it took forever to eat. One other thing one chick goes crazy for is blueberries. She inhales them, I never would have thought chickens would be interested in them.
At what age can chickens start to have treats from the list provided on BYC? How often? I thought I would start with cooked eggs and plain cherrios.

Olives Mom
I'm revamping some flower beds that have been left for years. When ever I turn over one of the large rocks, there are tons of bugs. My girls are now gardening with me, waiting for me to turn over the rocks for them to get all the bugs!!! They have even eaten termites, for which I gave them all extra love.


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