feeding bobwhites wild bird seed

Yeah i think it a problem if you feed them that as their onlyt feed, but if you supplement it or give little of it, they should be fine.
Just so you will know, I fed my quail gamebird breeder feed (ground up gamebird chick starter and grower when they were babies) and scratch feed (ground corn mixed with wheat) and they did fine. I only gave them the wild bird seed as a treat. But everytime I did, I lost a quail. Perhaps it was just coincidence. Or, as I said, maybe it had something to do with the peanut hearts in the bird seed. Does anyone know about that?? Anyway, it became too much of a risk for me. But I'd like to know how everyone else does with it...... for future reference.

I would think they would eat bird seed if they found some in the wild. So I don't understand why it would kill mine, but it seemed to. And yes, they had access to fine grit.

So please let me know back if you don't have a problem with yours. Thanks!
Oh yes i will let you know. I havent given them the bird seed yet, now i'm a little worried to give it to them since you said you lost a quail everytime you feed them bird seed.
I have given them peanuts and sunflowers blended of course, and they seem to do good on it. Yes it doesn't make sense though how they could eat the bird seed in the wild and thrive, maybe it wasnt the bird seed that killed your quail.

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