feeding egg shells to the girls....


9 Years
Jul 28, 2010
We have been saving the egg shells from our girls and want to give them back as a supplement. Suggestions? I've heard that you should wash, dry and bake them. If so, what temp and how long? If not, then how do you prepare them?

I put mine in the microwave to kill any bacteria and then put them in the food processor and then mix them in with some chopped up cooked veggies..
I was doing the same thing but it became too much of a hassle. I simply bought a bag of crushed oyster shell (it's cheap)and make it always available. It's called K.I.S.S. technology (Keep It Simple Stupid) .
I supply oyster shell, free choice. But I also give the shells back to them. I don't mess with washing/baking etc. I crush with a wooden spoon and mix them in with the other scraps.
I'm with Ranchhand and greyhorse... Whenever I start to stress over my flock, I remember the eons of time that chickens have run in barnyards, backyards, snatching nibblets of whatever has come their way. I can understand particular care if your chickens are for show or whatever special purpose you must have, but that said, my hens have taught me to relax and enjoy them, care for them in simple sensible ways, provide safe shelter and adequate food and water, and beyond that, they fend for themselves quite well. We crush their egg shells and mix them in with scraps and treats or simply put a stack of crushed shells in their chickenyard. They clean them up and give us back beautiful eggs with strong shells in return. Our hens give us so much pleasure with very little effort. ~G
Baking kills any bacteria that might cause sickness in the bird or in you! I bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes! or 350 for 1 hr. Better safe than sorry!

God Bless!

P.s. now I just give oystershell free choice! Its alot less work. I'm lazy! LOL
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