Feeding fruit to chickens

Bill H

5 Years
Apr 3, 2014
Are there any fruits that chickens should not be fed? Each year I have a surplus of grapes and some years figs. It it safe to feed such to my chickens?
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Thanks Diva, I knew about chickens and water melons. Now I have a place for excess grapes.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Not sure if you have seen it but there is a nice chicken treat chart in the Learning Center, chickens can eat pretty much anything people eat, there are few things to avoid at the end of the chart. https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/chicken-treat-chart-the-best-treats-for-backyard-chickens Figs are fine, in some places people have them in their yards and chickens eat the fallen fruit like they do apples etc, or the left overs from making jam.

I go by if they won't eat it then I don't feed it to them

Welcome to BYC!

There are lots of things you shouldn't feed poultry. Kelsie has left you with the links to our treats chart. That will tell you about the different foods, whats good and what's not.

Enjoy your poultry adventures and welcome to our flock!
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