feeding goat feed to chickens


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 24, 2009
Hi, I got goats and they waste lots of feed. It's got a coccidiastate in it. Is it safe when they start laying eggs to keep feeding the feed when we eat the eggs? I know when we sell one for eating they should be off the feed for 30 days. thanks
i would never give my chickens goat feed! why aren't you using starter? or layer when the have laid. I believe the protien is off and the copper, not sure if that's ok for chickens
they were asking cuz goats do waste alot of feed and if you can feed it to the chickens also why not give them the leftovers
umm still wouldn't give it to them. My goats eat every little bit! Never even leave a drop, lil pigs!
still protien % i believe is different and i question the copper.
thanks texasredneckmedic, i believe they asked why not, like i stated above~I didn't realize they just wanted to add that to the diet.
still wouldn't but you do what you want, your animals
I do feed starter feed but was throwing what they spilled on ground to chickens along with other things out of the house. They don't get that much but was wondering about the med's. in the goat feed.
It won't hurt the chickens to eat the goat feed. They are scavengers, and eat almost everything just fine. Mine even get into the dog's bowls outside to eat if they have the chance. I won't use starter feed anymore. The chicks grow just fine on cracked corn, plain chicken food, and free range bugs with their mommas.
But never give the goats chicken starter feed. It will kill them if they eat enough of it. The medicated starter feed can be very dangerous to other animals if they eat very much of it. My goat got into the chick feed once by butting open the shed, and died. It is a common issue that has happened to many people when they have the medicated starter laying around.
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I have had goats for years and never had an excess of feed waste. Are you throwing it on the ground? If you put it in a feeder they will clean it up. I have more trouble with keeping the goats out of the chicken feed. You can get some nice, relatively easy, goat feeder ideas on google. We did a PVC pipe cut in half with some legs, it works great.
It won't hurt the chickens to eat goat feed, but do not let the goats have chicken feed.
the main question was is it safe to eat the eggs from the chickens if they are eating the goat feed with the coccidiastats. I know when we sell a goat for meat it is off the feed for 30 days. As far as wasting feed when you feed 70-80 goats some is wasted!
maybe I am "OLD SCHOOL"

I was brought up with goats,chickens,cows,and ALL sorts of things running in a barn or feed lot and have never worried about what any of them ateas you fed the cows and goats whatever you got at the feed store and the chickens ate WITH them

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