feeding quail

Turkey starter is ok as long as it's UNmedicated.
I have some trouble getting any form of game bird feed over here, but I found some suppliers that sell feed specific for quail. There's one place that sells a 'quail mix' but I don't know how suitable it is for them. It looks to have a mixture of different types of seed (will post a pic) so I don't know....there's nothing on the website to say what the protein content is. But if it's not high enough, I've been gathering lots of ways to boost the protein in the diet
I just want to know if it's okay to feed them this


Here's what the feed looks like. I will try and find and find out what the protein content is.
i don't know ,but it looks like just a good quality wild bird feed mix to me . You need to contact the seller with questions on ingredients listing. There are some good posts on here about the right ingredients for quail feeds. Do a search. Quail need a fairly high protein level to be healthy.
i don't know ,but it looks like just a good quality wild bird feed mix to me . You need to contact the seller with questions on ingredients listing. There are some good posts on here about the right ingredients for quail feeds. Do a search. Quail need a fairly high protein level to be healthy.

There is a list of ingredients included on the site. It says in it that it has: White millet, panicum millet, conditioner seeds, high protein crumbs, canaryseed.

I don't know how high they mean when they say 'high protein crumbs', though. I plan on keeping Chinese quail, and Quail lady recommended mixing in finch seed with it...so I think this pretty much does it for you. I will find a way to contact the supplier and ask if they know what the protein content is, but if it isn't high enough, I could supplement it with things like boiled egg and mealworms.
i don't know ,but it looks like just a good quality wild bird feed mix to me . You need to contact the seller with questions on ingredients listing. There are some good posts on here about the right ingredients for quail feeds. Do a search. Quail need a fairly high protein level to be healthy.

There is a list of ingredients included on the site. It says in it that it has: White millet, panicum millet, conditioner seeds, high protein crumbs, canaryseed.

I don't know how high they mean when they say 'high protein crumbs', though. I plan on keeping Chinese quail, and Quail lady recommended mixing in finch seed with it...so I think this pretty much does it for you. I will find a way to contact the supplier and ask if they know what the protein content is, but if it isn't high enough, I could supplement it with things like boiled egg and mealworms.

If Quaillady oks it,you can guarantee it's good
your cbbq will LOVE mealworms but do offer them every other day or so as mealworms are fatty

The mix sounds a decent mix for breeders. You would need to grind it for chicks though. The more info you can get on the mix will help.
At what age is it safe to start feeding mealworms. I've read plenty here it can be a little risky with the young birds because they mistake toes for worms.

I'm raising my own worms, and am anxious to start feeding "treats"
Thanks Quail Lady. Should I still mix in soybean meal, depending on the % of protein in the feed? Or would I be alright if I provided supplements such as boiled egg and high protein greens every other day?

Also, if I fed to chicks, would I have to supply grit as well? Or would they be okay if I was breaking the seed down for them?
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