Feeding quails


Jun 19, 2020
England, United Kingdom
Hello all. I feel as though I've been asking way too many questions about quails recently but here's another question. I'm going to my local feed store today to get a load of chicken feed but I'm gonna get some quail feed in view of my new quails hatching in a few weeks. What food would be suitable for quails to feed on right up to the processing stage? I know that high protein turkey starter is ok but if the store doesn't have that, is there anything else which is suitable? Thanks in advance and sorry again for being so dumb on the subject:(
Will this be ok?
That's 21% so I would guess yes. I've been lucky that my local Agway and Banfield Baker carry Gamebird starter which is 28% in the $16 to $18 for a 50# bag. Tractor Supply is $22 to $24 for the same bag. What I have done now and then is watch for tractor supply to run a sale on its chicken meat bird crumble and I'll grab a 50# bag of that which on sale I sometimes can get for $11 or $12 dollars. That's typically in the 22% range and my quail eat that just like its the gamebird feed.

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