Feeding veggie and table scraps...


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 16, 2013
Do you chop them up or put them in "as is"? For example, If you cut off the ends of zucchini I do you grate, chop, or in any other way make it chicken friendly?

We just got our chickens this week and they are 3-4 months old, fwiw.

I hope someone answers this, I was wondering the same thing. I have 6 week old pullets and I'm not sure when it's okay to start giving them scraps...
I had a batch of hiline hens before my current chooks, and I introduced them to grapes and lettuce when they were about 4 week's old. It was my first time with chooks and so I chopped the grapes in half for them and shredded the lettuce to make it easier for them. The result was some very spoilt chooks! Wouldn't try new things often and would only eat grapes if they were seedless! Ive been much more relaxed with my new chicks. I just throw whole bunches of bok choy and lettuce in there along with pulled grass and weeds, and they're 6 weeks old. I find that if they want to eat it, they'll find a way to lol. Only thing I'd chop is hard stuff like carrots and zucchini
Large Squash and Pumpkins, just get them open for them to peck at the insides they will do so to the point of nothing being left but the skin. Small squash they can handle once they know what they are eating. Mine get most of the scraps that we have plus others that I pick up.. I don't chop up stuff it gives them something to do.
You guys are making me feel bad, I'm not near as careful. I have a small compost pile in one little area of their run. In goes grass clippings, crushed egg shells, orange peels, onion peels, weeds pulled from the flower beds, dinner plate scrapings, etc. i never chop anything up. Every few days I take a rake and "fluff" it up. They have a blast scratching through it, taking naps on it and pretty soon it is all flattened out. What they don't eat attracts typical bugs found in most compost piles and they chase/ eat those. Then I fluff it again and the process starts over. Everyone seems happy and healthy and I've been doing this since they were 4-5 weeks old. Been giving Limas , black beans, tomato scraps, & earthworms as treats since about 3 weeks.
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