Hi Every one, I really enjoy the site and have learned so much!
There has been one thing has bothered me that i cant seem to find an answer to. I understand the reason to limit food/treats to chicks that is not their grower feed. My 4 girls are just about 7 weeks old now and have been out in the coop for about 3 weeks now. They have the run of my very small yard all day when i am home, eating grass and bugs. Also, its been so hot here that i have been freezing watermelon for them. And they fight over a half a handful of mealworms at the end of the day when they go back in their run.
Should i worry about them filling up on that rather than their feed? Its hard to tell how much they are eating of either. They have also found my green bean and squash leaves and i have to admit its fun to watch them hop up to take a bite!
Ill find them in a hole under a tree and bring them a cup of grower feed and they have at it like they havent eaten all day. Should i put dishes of feed outside of their run for them?
They are growing, and healthy and their poop looks normal..... am i over thinking this?
Thanks for your thoughts!

There has been one thing has bothered me that i cant seem to find an answer to. I understand the reason to limit food/treats to chicks that is not their grower feed. My 4 girls are just about 7 weeks old now and have been out in the coop for about 3 weeks now. They have the run of my very small yard all day when i am home, eating grass and bugs. Also, its been so hot here that i have been freezing watermelon for them. And they fight over a half a handful of mealworms at the end of the day when they go back in their run.
Should i worry about them filling up on that rather than their feed? Its hard to tell how much they are eating of either. They have also found my green bean and squash leaves and i have to admit its fun to watch them hop up to take a bite!
Ill find them in a hole under a tree and bring them a cup of grower feed and they have at it like they havent eaten all day. Should i put dishes of feed outside of their run for them?
They are growing, and healthy and their poop looks normal..... am i over thinking this?
Thanks for your thoughts!