Feeding your chickens scraps from the kitchen


8 Years
Jul 6, 2011
Okay, everyone keeps telling me that they feed their hens scraps from the kitchen, including left over chicken meat. This just seems wrong to me, but perhaps not. I know my hens love meat and will eat just about anything, but it just seems wrong to feed them chicken. Do you feed your chickens chicken meat???
I'm with the op...it just creeps me out to feed chicken to chickens. They are my chickens in my yard eating my leftovers and so they don't get chicken...the dog does. He's so jealous of all their kitchen scraps anyway, it seems like justice.
I give mine chicken as often as we have leftover chicken....I think it just might be their favorite treat...besides frozen watermelon...
I got this for my birthday a couple of weeks ago.

mine get anything/everything they can..including chicken lol...

they <3 a boiled chicken carcass after I've used it for stock...they can find so much on there and when I go out later..its just a few bones laying around...ewww but they are super happy w/it...
Where I work there are a million gulls, and they are quite canibalistic...when one dies, and it's especially unnerving when the infants die...you see gull bones all over the place. It may be gross to us but completely natural and probably good for them. I don't think I'll be feeding my birds their own kind though. It's a personal choice.
I don't feed mine chicken but will give them leftovers of other meat, esp. pork. They love bacon but I only have given them bacon once or twice. They once got the boney part of a pork shoulder. We shredded all the meat and used it in our food, but decided to give them the bone with some little bits of meat left on it. A couple hours later - the bone is completely clean and cleaner than my dogs could ever get it.

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