
For me that is a yes and a no question.

Yes you can overdo the treats. It throws off the balance of nutrition and protein needs when they pork out on treats.

No you cannot overfeed in that they will only eat what they can actually take in. The trick is balance. The right protein in the correct amounts and not to many treats is important.

If I were to offer my hens a bucket of treats and a bucket of pellets I am certain they would eat treats until those ran out then and only then go to the pellets. Kind of like offering a child a candy bar or a dinner with meat and veggies. Of course the kid would choose the candy bar.
Makes alot of sense..I do throw them a hand full of mealworms as treats now and then..Also bread and such..They also free range so I do believe ive been doing it right..Thanks for the reply's..
Different ages and species all seem to have different nutritional needs. Generally, all laying birds will do very well on Layena. We recommend that non-laying birds (be they males or molting adults) be fed Flock Raiser or Start&Grow. Flock Raiser is higher in protein (to support feather regrowth) and energy (making it optimal for cold winter climates), while Start& Grow might be preferred in milder climates or for birds that tend to gain weight when not laying. Hopefully that helps simplify it a bit for you! Yes, it is sometimes very difficult to feed males separately, and even if you offer Flock Raiser and supplemental oyster shell, there are no guarantees that the roo or drake isn't also eating the oyster shell. Unfortunately, there is no one size fits all when it comes to feeding poultry. Different species have different nutrient requirements, as do different ages of the same specie, and trying to meet everyone's needs with one product simply will not work well. If you have adult non-laying birds, either molting or non-molting, I recommend feeding the Flockraiser product. This will provide a little extra protein to molting birds for feather regrowth, and it will give non-laying birds a diet that does not have the high calcium needed by laying birds. You could also feed the Start&Grow if you want a little lower-calorie feed. Feeding a good-quality feed that is appropriate for the age/production stage of any animal is the best way to maximize nutrition without having to resort to a lot of different supplements that may actually contribute to an unbalanced diet. Kitchen scraps can be a lovely treat, but they should not comprise more than 10% of the bird's daily diet. Think of scraps and scratch grains as M&M's for birds; fun to eat and a nice treat, but you wouldn't want to make a meal of them (well, OK, you might want to if you really like them, like I do, but it would not be the healthiest meal you could eat!).

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